
时间:7年前 (2018-03-06)来源:怀孕期阅读量: 140


原作者:Alia E. Dastagir,USA TODAY

So you want to have a baby. What should you eat? 



Many nutritional experts say follow the "fertilitydiet." The plan is based on research from the landmark Nurses' Health Study —one of the largest and most comprehensive studies on women's health— which informed 10 steps for improving fertility through changes in diet,weight and activity. This January, U.S. News and World Report, whichevaluated 40 of the most popular diets with health experts,ranked the "fertility diet" as its 10thbest diet overall. 

很多营养学专家会告诉你去采用“生育餐”。这个饮食计划是由Nurses’Health Study—美国最大最全面的女性健康研究机构之一,来告诉你10个步骤,通过改变饮食结构,体重和活动,来提高你的生育力。2018年一月份,美国新闻和世界日报(U.S.News and World Report跟健康专家一起评估了40种最受欢迎的饮食结构,给出了10种最佳饮食的排名。


The average couple only has a 25% chance of getting pregnant each month,according to the American Pregnancy Association. About 12% of womenbetween the ages of 15 and 44 have difficulty getting pregnant or carrying apregnancy to term, according to the Centers forDisease Control and Prevention.


Research shows if you're trying to conceive (TTC), the"fertility diet" can increase ovulation, which in turn increases awoman's chances of getting pregnant. The Nurses' Health Study,upon which the plan's recommendations are based, found a diet high invegetables and fruit, whole grains and beans, healthy fats, certainprotein-rich foods, and full-fat dairy was related to a 66% lower risk ofanovulatory infertility (when ovulation doesn't occur) and a 28% lower risk ofother causes of infertility. 

研究发现如果你正在经历TTC阶段(TryingTo Conceive),就是备孕阶段,这种生育餐”可以增加排卵,以增加怀孕的机率。Nurses’Health Study发现,蔬菜,水果,全麦,豆类,健康的脂肪,一些高蛋白的食物,以及全脂奶制品摄入量高的话,被认为降低66%的无排卵性不孕风险,以及28%的其他不孕风险。

It's important to note that there are many reasons why a womanmay have trouble getting pregnant, and this diet won't address all of them.

If you're a woman who has an ovulation disorder like polycysticovary syndrome, this diet may help you boost fertility. If your infertilityissues stem from a partner with a sperm defect, for example, this diet won'taddress that.







1.     Avoid trans fats. Eating transfat raises the level of your LDL (bad) cholesterol, according to the Foodand Drug Administration. It's one of the reasons theFDA has ordered food manufacturers to phase them out. Transfats are found in fried foods (like french fries) and in baked good (likecookies and cakes). 

避免反式脂肪酸根据美国食品和药品管理协会,摄入反式脂肪酸会增加身体内 LDL胆固醇(不好的胆固醇)。这也是为什么美国食品和药品管理协会下令逐步淘汰反式脂肪酸的原因之一。反式脂肪酸在油炸食品如著条,和一些烘焙食品,如饼干和蛋糕类可以找到。


2.     Consume more unsaturatedvegetable oils. Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated may help improve yourblood cholesterol, according to the American Heart Association.Add more olive oil and canola oil to your diet, and try to consume healthy fatsfrom foods like fish and avocados. 



3.     Get more protein from vegetables.Instead of a serving of steak, consider a serving of lentils.



4.     Eat slow carbs. Choose wholegrains, oatmeal and vegetables, which are are not highly refined, over carbslike white bread and pasta, which can increase ovulatory infertility, whichBrissette said can mean irregular ovulation or lack of ovulation. 



5.     Make it whole milk. If you'retrying to get pregnant, whole-fat diary is the best choice. Opt for whole milkover skim, and enjoy a full fat yogurt each day.



6.     Take a multi-vitamin. Folic acid(400 mcg) and vitamin B are essential. The CDC says folic acid helps preventbirth defects. 




7.     Don't neglect ironintake. Get plenty of iron, but not from red meat. Eat vegetables high iniron, like spinach, and consider taking an iron supplement. 




8.     Drink water. Skip the soda.Everything else (coffee, alcohol) in moderation. 



9.     Get to a "fertilityzone" weight. Being in the "fertility zone"means achieving a BMI of 20 to 24.Weighing too much or too little can affect your menstrual cycle.



10.   Be active. If you don'texercising regularly, starting could help your fertility. If you're alreadyactive, be careful not to overdo it. According to Resolve, low body fat can affect ovulation andfertility. 

活跃起来!如果你没有日常锻炼的习惯,现在就开始。运动可以帮助你的生育力。如果你已经有运动,当心不要太激烈或者过量。根据Resolve的报道(Resolve即美国不孕不育协会The National Infertility Association),体脂太低的话会影响排卵及生育力。





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