
时间:7年前 (2018-03-01)来源:怀孕期阅读量: 159


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- Q1 -

How many kids do American families usually have? Why do they like to have kids? Can you briefly introduce your siblings? 


The ideal American family is probably parents with 2 kids, a boy and a girl, with 1 or 2 pets. 


As for the reason they like to have kids, I feel like a lot of Americans dont really think about it very much. They are just like, OK now I am banging this person. Oh she is pregnant. Ok we have some kids now. It seems like the more people think about having kids, the fewer kids theyll have. 


There are some who think having a kid could fix their broken relationship. And, there are some types of Christians who think its their duty to fill the earth with people, sometimes there were social pressures to have kids, like because all their friends are having babies and in order to keep up, people get their own babies. 


There might also be cultural reasons or family pressure that make people want to have kids. Of course,there are some people who have kids just because they love kids. I know a couple who decided that they wanted to have 8 children, just because they love having kids!


As for my family, in addition to my mom and dad, I have 5 siblings. So it was 8 of us while I was growing up. Three boys and three girls, which is a big family even in the US, because my parents love kids. Im the third one in line. I have a big sister. She is married and she just had her second child. She now has a baby girl who is 5-ish and a baby boy who is newborn. They are both super super cute. 


Then I have an older brother who is also married. Their first child, a girl, is going to be born any day now. They have two handsome cats named Boris and Plushka.

老二是我哥哥,他们的第一个小孩是个女儿,马上就要出生了。他们家还有两只很漂亮的猫,叫 Boris 和 Plushka。

And then there is me. Im married with no children on the way; not planning on it yet either. But we plan on having a dog and a pig at some point, to test out our parenting skills before deciding on making a tiny human. We already decided the names for them. The dog will be Peach and the pig will be Scooter. They will be best friends.


Ive got two younger sisters. The first one I call my middle sister so that all of my sisters have a unique title. She just got engaged to her boyfriend, and we are very excited for them.  Im not sure if they want kids or not.


Then I have my little brother. He is married. They are trying to get pregnant, and I bet that they will have a really cute chubby baby. They also have an old cat named Marco.

然后老五是个弟弟,他结婚了,正在备孕中,我敢打赌他们肯定会有一个可爱的小胖宝宝。他们家也养了一只猫,它有点老了,叫 Marco。

Then there is my little sister. She is dating a guy, but not married and no kids, thankfully. She is enjoying life right now.


Most of them are settled down in the mid-west of the US, except for my little sister who is adventuring in New Zealand. We reunite once or twice a year, usually at my parents house. It is nice to have a big family for holidays. 


- Q2 -

How does it feel to grow up in a big family? 


I guess it felt busy, lets say. I always feel like being a single child would be boring because you would either be with a bunch of adults all the time or just be by yourself. With having so many siblings, there was always somebody I could hang out with or something to do. 


The downside was that I was in the middle and we all went to the same school. I always ended up being my brothers little brother instead of being my own person. So people would meet me and they would be like, Oh, yeah, youre your brothers brother. And I would be like Okay, I mean, my name is David. I matter…not just because of him.

对我来说也有一个不好的地方。因为我们家的孩子都上的同一所学校,我又是老三,所以我总是活在哥哥的阴影里。人们看到我就会说 “我认识你~ 你是XXX的弟弟!” 搞得我总是想回一句 “我也有名字的好不好,我的存在价值又不只是他弟弟。”

So you know, there are some pros and cons. And another thing with such a big family is that, because we are spread out over 10 years, we got some strange family dynamics: My older brother and sister kind of hung out together; My middle sister and my younger brother hung out a lot together; I kind of did my own thing a lot of the time, which is fine for me because Im not super social and Im OK being alone. But then my littlest sister got left out sometimes, and she is very social, so she was unhappy about that sometimes.  As adults, we get along, but it can be tough for some kids.


But we had great times growing up together. We hung out. We played. It was fun. We were generally well behaved kids back then and we had lots of toys. So I cant recall fighting over anything. I think my parents did a pretty good job of teaching us to share and not be selfish assholes. They were very good at being fair to everyone. 


We didnt really fight for our parents love, but because of the strange family dynamics that I talked about, the way we interacted with our parents was different. So I didnt interact much with our parents because I kind of flew under the radar for everybody. 


I was the one that everybody likes but who didn’t interact with anybody. My little sister hung out with my mom all the time, partly because all of us other kids were sort of doing our own thing and she was a lot smaller than us but still needed a friend. So she developed a closer relationship with my mom. 

It’s fairly common, I think, for the middle child to get overlooked and it probably depends on their personality whether it’s a good or bad thing. For me, it was a good thing. I could do whatever I wanted. There were no real expectations on me either. 

They trusted me to the point they didn’t even make rules for me or didn’t even tell me that rules were in place. When I got to high school, they never set a curfew time, the time that I was supposed to be home. So that one time I stayed out late and they were super confused, because they just never had that talk with me. 

So fighting for parents’ love is not so much a problem in our family, it’s just that the relationships are different because we were different and have different needs. But our parents did have to be very careful about giving gifts to us for holidays like Christmas, making sure that we got about the same number and the same cost roughly of gifts. It was their job to be concerned because they chose to have six children! But I think they did a great job on that. 
所以,我们家没有争宠的问题,只是因为每个人的性格、需求不同,和父母的关系自然也会有点不一样。但有一点比较难办,就是过年过节给我们买礼物的时候,爸妈会特别注意,保证我们每个人得到的礼物价钱都差不多。有什么办法呢?谁让他们自己要生6个的~ 不过说实话,我觉得他们这方面做得很好。

- Q3 -

Do you remember how your mom told you that you were going to have a new sibling? How, as far as you remember, did your parents organize the 6 of you? 


I personally do not remember how I was told my mom was going to have more kids. But I think I was happy about it. When I got a new sibling, I remember being excited to hold them and hanging out with the baby. I wasnt ever jealous of them, as far as I remember. We were probably desensitized to the idea of having siblings because there were already a whole bunch of us.


I would assume my parents just gathered all of us kids together and said So, mom is having another baby soon. Or something like that. I dont really remember. And I think thats pretty much how most moms here would tell their kids, just announce it. At most, they would probably explain more what a baby is because the kids are too small to understand. 


Jealousy can be a problem, I have heard of that happening in some families here. And I guess we will have to see how my niece reacts to her new little brother. She seems to be taking it pretty well. But you cant really tell with kids sometimes. Maybe its just boiling inside and it will come out soon. 


Most families here have more than one child. Its not that special to have another kid in a family. Even if they get jealous, they will get over it. Thats kind of how we feel. 


But we do have a baby gender reveal party. Its a party for close friends and family to tell them the babys gender in a special way so that they can plan their gifts accordingly. Like when my sister in law did hers, she made some cupcakes and put M&Ms in them. So in general, the color code for girl is pink and boy is blue, which some people have a problem with, but we are still using it. As we bit into the cupcakes, we found the pink M&Ms, then everyone knew it was a girl!


About how my parents organize us, they mostly made general rules that applied to everybody. So the main thing was to make sure that nobody got singled out, but I do remember we would get new rules based on our age, like when we turned 13, we could stay up an hour or two later. It was applied the day of your birthday, so there were some added benefits of growing up. It was so awesome. 


So the most funny rules I can remember is the one I talked about before: before college, no dating;once you start college, go get a wife ASAP. I get why my parents set up this rule, and I would say because of this rule, none of us made any really stupid teenage relationship mistakes.  

最搞笑的一条规定我在之前的节目里说过:上大学之前不准谈恋爱;上大学之后要立马找个老婆。我理解他们为啥定这条规矩,也承认这么做的好处 —— 我们家的小孩没有一个因为早恋而做出傻事。

But it also seems like overkill.  Because of that rule, none of us were very good at dating and we all had hard times, more or less, to figure out what to do with relationships. They tried their best though, being parents is one of the hardest jobs in the world.





As for my family, in addition to my mom and dad, I have 5 siblings.




In the beginning of Harry Potter, Ron has 6 siblings: Bill, Charlie, Percy, Fred, George and Ginny. 



fly under the radar 


So I didn’t interact much with our parents because I kind of flew under the radar for everybody.


fly under the radar,在雷达下飞行(从而不被发现),表示很低调,不引起别人注意。


In the game Werewolf, the Killers need to fly under the radar to avoid being caught.


open question 


Kids are still an open question.


open question,待定的、仍需讨论的问题,尚无定论。


It is an open question whether parents should punish their children for their mistakes.











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